Clarity is advanced Chromatography Data Station (CDS) with optional software modules for data acquisition, processing and instrument control. Its wide range of data acquisition interfaces (A/D converters, LAN, USB, RS232) allows connection to any GC or LC chromatograph.
Up to four independent chromatography systems can be simultaneously connected, each can acquire up to 32 signals. See
examples of Clarity configurations.
Control modules provide integrated control of selected instruments such as GCs, pumps, detectors, autosamplers, etc.
Extensions provide functions for specific separation techniques such as PDA, GPC analysis, Mass spectrometry or SST.
Clarity2Go in your iPhone or Android powered mobile devices allows you to monitor running analyses from multiple installations of Clarity.
This all makes Clarity suitable for laboratories with high demands on efficiency, high sample throughput and GLP standards.
Clarity comes with extensive free support from DataApex as well as from the growing community of users in the Clarity Forum.